Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Shaq's Mistress Is Filing A Lawsit And Is A Theif!

Shaq's accuser, Vanessa Lopez, claims she was in a relationship with Shaq for five years ... and that Shaq, who's married, told her he had an "open relationship." Lopez also claimed that she once told Shaq that she believed she was pregnant with his child.

Lopez claims Shaq repeatedly harassed her when she tried to break it off with him. Lopez says she "fears that someone is after her ... I want to feel safe again."

As TMZ first reported, this isn't Lopez's first rodeo ... she's also had run-ins with NBA stars Delonte West, Kenyon Martin and J.J. Redick.

TMZ reports before she decided to sue Shaquille O'Neal, Vanessa Lopez was accused of being the worst NBA one-night stand ever -- after Kenyon Martin accused her of going through his wallet post-hookup.

According to a 2007 police report filed in Colorado, Martin — a former #1 pick — claimed that Lopez got into his wallet without permission and used his credit card to buy $6485.90 worth of clothes on

Martin’s bank notified him of the fraudulent charges when they noticed an incorrect billing address was being used for the purchases.

According to the docs, the case was cracked because the perp shipped all the merchandise to a “Vanessa Lopez” in Florida.

What are groupies doing now a days?!

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