Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dwight Howard got Baby Momma Drama!

So Dwight and his baby momma Royce Lyndsay Reed, who use to be a cheerleader for Orland Magic, have been full of drama lately!

According to TMZ, Howard just filed another lawsuit against his ex -- Royce Lyndsay Reed -- claiming she broke a court order by posting photos of their kid on Twitter.

According to documents filed by Howard earlier this month in Florida, Reed was ordered by a judge in 2008 to refrain from posting images of their son Braylon on "blogs, websites, etc."

The reason behind the 2008 court order -- the Orlando Magic star believes throwing the kid's pics on the web poses "a significant security threat to the child because [Dwight] is a highly-paid public personality."

And that's not all! Check this out according to MediaTakeOut he also filed a $9.5 million lawsuit against her and her girlfriends, for allegedly posting CRAZY stuff about him on the popular message board Lipstick Alley.

I would like to know why he is suing her for $9.5 million? He has money is it really that serious..I am hoping that story from MediaTakeOut is false! Now that's some real drama.

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