For the last 2 days my facebook as been in an uproar over a special ABC news did on why 42% of black women have never been married. (If you havent seen the video it is posted below) Because I have such a huge opinion on the matter im going to make this a 4 weeks series. So here is part one.
Ms Nikki Says.... Its tough when your the majority
42% of black women have never been married. Sad I know, but unfortunately true. According to the study ABC news did there are more black women then black men approximately 1.8 million more. Which means even if every black man married a black women that would still leave 1 out of every 12 black women unmarried. Then you have to take into account the amout of eligible black men that are on the market now-a-days. When you subtract the ones without a job, without a highschool diploma, and the ones in jail that leaves pretty slim pickings in the eligible black men department. In atlanta alone there are 17 women to every 1 man. Thats right I said 17 women! and you wonder why so many black women are single. In situations like this being the majority sucks! When there are so many women to go around I can't really blame men for not wanting to settle down. I'm not saying it's right, but think about it like this if you could have 17 men all to yourself why wouldnt you want to have them all. If one was acting cazy you could go to the next one because you would have one to spare.
Thats all for today folks! Tune in next week for Ms. Nikki Says...42% Part 2...Adjusting the image off your (IBM..Ideal Black Man)
~Ms. Nikki~