Thursday, January 14, 2010

How To Comment on The GQN!

Ok I know alot of you guys are reading and enjoying the stuff that is posted and I need feedback! I know commenting on here looks a little difficult but it really isn't!

After you finish reading the article click on the comment link. There should be a box where you can write a comment.

After you finished writing you will see below that it says.. comment as. Its going to say select are going to click the one that says Name/URL. If you like to do it as anonymous put that as your name, other wise it will NOT work if you click anonymous instead of Name/URL.

All you need is your name no need for the URL. Then you hit continue and then press post comment. Then it will ask you for a word verification for spam puposes, and then you will hit post comment again!

I know it seems alot but it really isn't! I need you guys feedback! It will be greatly appreciated..also check out Ms. Nikki Says.. for weekly advice!

For more info hit me you at


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